Sabine Hoidn

Sabine Hoidn

Sabine Hoidn

PD Dr.

Senior Researcher, Associate Lecturer

Büro 52-7128
Müller-Friedberg-Strasse 8
9000 St. Gallen
Main Focuses

Student-Centered Learning Lab (SCL Lab)

Fields of research

Student-centred learning, teaching and assessment

Management education and development

Organisational Development

Higher education learning and instruction


Privatdozent at UZH - Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft - Mitarbeitende / Staff
Venia Legendi in Educational Sciences, esp. Higher Education, University of Zurich, Switzerland (2018)
Doctoral degree in Business Education, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland (2010)
Teaching certificate for Comprehensive/Vocational Schools in Bavaria (2nd State Examination), Germany
University Diploma in Business Education (1st State Examination), Friedrich Alexan­der University in Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany 
Master of Human Resources, including vocational supervisor certificate, German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), Passau, Germany 

Teaching Activities

Smart Learning and Artificial Intelligenz (Bachelor level, fall)
Inquiry learning: designing and writing a scientific thesis (Bachelor level, spring)
Learning organization and organizational learning (Bachelor level, fall)
Learning capacity and memory (Bachelor level, spring)
Scientific work and research methods in the social sciences (Master level, fall)
Student-centered education (Erasmus+, spring)
Student-centered management education (BA level, spring)
Active learning: participating in learning communities (Bachelor level, fall)


2025-2028 Associate Partner, AfroGrow Project: Informed Decision-Making for Agroforestry Systems in Africa through a Network of Living Labs?, Horizon Europe Project, Horizon-CL6-2024-FARM2FORK-01-10, RIA, together with Eratosthenes Centre of Excellence (ECoE), Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus.

2024-2027 Associate Partner, LandShift Project: Community-Led Creation of Living Spaces in Shifting Landscapes for Climate-Resilient Land Use Management and Supporting the New European Bauhaus?, Horizon Europe Project, Horizon-CL6-2024-CLIMATE-01-4, RIA, together with Eratosthenes Centre of Excellence (ECoE), Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus.

2024-2028 Associate Partner, Nostradamus Project: Data Cube and Copernicus data for Food Security and European Independence?, Horizon Europe Project, Horizon-CL6-2023-Governance-01, RIA, together with Eratosthenes Centre of Excellence (ECoE), Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus.

2023-2024 Expert & Scientific Adviser, Study on the future development of the European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS), together with PPMI (Public Policy and Management Institute,, European Commission (DG EAC)

2022-2024 Expert Team Member & Scientific Adviser, Study on the impact and transformational potential of the European Universities Initiative, together with PPMI (Public Policy and Management Institute,, European Commission (DG EAC) 

2021-22 Editor-in-Chief, SAGE Business Core project, Leadership module, SAGE Publications Inc., Thousand Oaks, California, USA 

2021-22 Steering Group Member, External Quality Assurance of SCL: Reaching a common understanding, together with Unibasq, European Cons­ortium for Accreditation in Higher Education (ECA)

2021-22 Expert Panel Member, Road towards a European Degree: Identifying opportunities and investigating the impact and feasibility of different approaches, together with PPMI, European Commission (DG EAC)

2018-2020 Collaborator; Vocational education in the Czech Republic; Czech Scien­­ce Foundation, Institute for Educa­tio­nal Research and Dev­elop­ment (IERD), Faculty of Educa­tion, Prof. Jana Straková, Charl­es Uni­ver­sity in Prague, CZ

2015-2019 Principal Investigator, Co-Editor, Routledge International Handbook of Student-Centered Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, together with Dr. Manja Klemencic (Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences), Harvard University, US

2009-2013 Principal Investigator; EU Seventh Framework Programme «Reth­inking Learning in Higher Education» (Con­tract FP7-PEOPLE-IOF-2008, No 237673, 2009–2013


Academy of Management (AOM)
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Associate Professor Union, University of Zurich (PDV)
German Association for Educational Management  
HSG Alumni Association
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)
Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA)
Swiss Faculty Development Network (SFDN) 
Swiss LSE Alumni Association
Swiss Red Cross (SRK St. Gallen)

Swiss Society for Research in Education (SSRE) 
UZH Alumni


2022-2025: Elected member of the Academy of Management (AOM) Board of Governors, USA, Representative at Large,  
Outstanding Service as Past Chair 2021-2022, Management Education and Development (MED) Division, Academy of Management (AOM), USA (2022)
Outstanding Service as Division Chair 2020-2021 of the Management Education and Development (MED) Division, Academy of Manage­ment (AOM), USA (2021)
AOM-MED Division Global Forum Best Symposium Award for co-organizing the symposium: “The Future of Management Education: Changes, Challenges and Opportunities,” together with Mairead Brady and Martin Fellenz, Trinity College Dublin, IE (2021)
Outstanding Service as Chair-elect 2019-2020, Management Education and Development (MED) Division, Academy of Management (AOM), USA (2020)
Outstanding Service as Program Chair 2018-2019, Management Education and Development (MED) Division, Academy of Management (AOM), USA (2019)
Exemplary Performance as a 2018 Reviewer, Journal of Management Education (JME), SAGE Journal, USA
Outstanding Service as Program Chair-elect 2017-2018, Management Education and Development (MED) Division, Academy of Management (AOM), USA (2018)
Outstanding Service as Membership Committee Chairperson of the Management Education and Development Division (MED) Award, Academy of Management (AOM), USA (2016) 
Outstanding Reviewer Award, Management Education and Development Division (MED), AOM, USA (2016) 
Outstanding Service to Management Education and Development Award as Division Re­search Coordinator, AOM, USA (2015) 
Outstanding Reviewer Award, Management Education and Development Division (MED), AOM, USA (2015)
Staff Mobility for Training Fellowship (6 weeks), Swiss-European Mobility Pro­gram, Switzerland (2015) 
Outstanding Reviewer Award, Management Education and Development Division, AOM, USA (2012)
Marie Curie Fellowship for career development awarded by the European Commission (2009), Brussels, The Netherlands; Score: 95,3/100; 4,77/5
Publication grant awarded by the Dr.h.c. Emil Zaugg-Fonds, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland (2007)
One year research fellowship for prospective researchers awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Switzerland (2006)


List of invited conference, workshop and colloquium contributions  

Jan 25, 2025: Webinar on Student-Centered Teaching for Deeper Learning and Engagement, TU Dublin Learning, Teaching and Assessment Showcase 2025, TU Dublin, Ireland.

Sep 24, 2024: Keynote: Student-Centred Learning and Teaching (SCLT): Beyond Student-Centred Classrooms; Student-Centred Learning: Perspectives From Different Stakeholders, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Spain.

Nov 15, 2023: Keynote: Strengthening Student-Centred Learning and Teaching (SCLT)
in Higher Education, Distinguished Speakers’ Programme, Limassol Week, Learning Development Network of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT).

Nov 15, 2023: Workshop: Transforming European Universities into Technology-Enhanced Student-Centred Learning and Teaching Ecosystems, Limassol Week, Learning Development Network of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT).

Sep 05, 2023: Keynote: Studierendenzentrierung – Wunschkonzert oder Bühne für nachhalti­ges Lernen? «Rendez-vous Lehre», Virtuelle Akademie BFH, Rahmenthema: Studierendenzentrierung, Berne, CH.

Apr 12, 2022: Presenter, Webinar on Student-Centered Learning and Teaching (SCLT) Practices in Higher Education That Make an Impact: What We Know and What We (Should) Do. Taking Stock 2.0: Transforming Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Webinar Series (organized by Julia Christensen Hughes, Joy Mighty, & Denise Stockley).

Dec 10, 2021 Expert Panel Member; Webinar on Student-Centred Learning; Webinar series on the Future of Performing Arts Education, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong, CN

Aug 09, 2020: Chair and Discussant (Paper Session): Discussions in Management Education 1. Management Education and Development (MED) Division, 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Vancouver, CA

Dec 18, 2019: Studierendenzentrierte Managementausbildung, Kolloquium Soziologisches Institut (SfS), Universität St. Gallen, CH

Dec 12, 2019: Effektive studierendenzentrierte Lernumgebungen gestalten, «High Noon – Didaktik zu Mittag», Lecture, Competence Centre for University Teaching Karl-Franzens University Graz, AT

Nov 28, 2019: Effektive studierendenzentrierte Lehre an Hochschulen gestalten, «Hochschuldidaktik über Mittag», University Didactics, Lecture, University of Konstanz, DE

Nov 11, 2019: Effektive studierendenzentrierte Hochschullehre – Vision oder Illusion? Inaug­ural lecture,  University of Zurich, CH

Nov 07, 2019: Student-centered learning and teaching, VIII International Bologna Conference «European Integration of Ukraine’ Higher Education in the Context of the Bologna Process: Student-Centered Learning and Teaching, Evaluation as Part of QA in HE», Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, UA

Apr 30, 2019: Effektive studierendenzentrierte Lehre an Hochschulen gestalten, CTL- [Center for Teaching and Learning] Lecture University of Vienna, AT

Mar 19, 2019: Education in Switzerland, Doctoral seminar presentation, Institute for Educational Research and Devel­opment (IERD), Faculty of Education, Prof. Eliška Walterová Charles University in Prague, CZ

May 31, 2018: Effective teaching and learning in higher education, Guest lecture at the Faculty of Education, Prof. Karel Starý, Charles University in Prague, CZ

May 18, 2018: Effektive Hochschullehre – oder: Was «gute» Hochschul­lehrende (nicht) tun, Habilitation trial lecture (Probevortrag), Philosophical Faculty, University of Zurich, CH

Feb 12, 2018: Education in Switzerland, Doctoral seminar presentation, Institute for Educational Research and Devel­opment (IERD), Faculty of Education, Prof. Eliška Walterová, Charles University in Prague, CZ

Apr 13, 2017: Education in Switzerland, Pre­sentati­on at the Fac­ulty of Ed­uc­ation, Dr. Vít  University of South Bohemia, Ceské Budejovice, CZ

Apr 05, 2017: Organisationales Lernen und Lernende Organisation, Ma­nagement seminar presentation, Swiss National Bank, Zurich, CH

Feb 06, 2017: Education in Switzerland, Doctoral seminar pre­sentati­on, Institute for Educational Research and Dev­elopment (IERD), Faculty of Education, Prof. Eliška Wal­te­r­­­ová, Charles University in Prague, CH

Oct 27, 2016: Lernen – Verstehen – Reflexion. Einblicke in das wirt­schafts­wissen­schaft­liche Studium an der Universität St. Gallen, Con­gress pre­sentati­on at the Institute of Economic Education, Theme: Moralische Entwicklung und wirtschaftliches Verstehen. Forschung­sstand und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven, University of Siegen, DE

Mar 07, 2016: Studierendenzentrierte Lernumgebungen an Hoch­schu­len: De­sign­ele­men­te – Instruktionsstrategien – Herausforderungen, Colloquium pre­sentati­on, Institute of Education, University of Zurich, CH

Mar 02, 2016: Studierendenzentrierte Lernumgebungen an Hoch­schu­len: De­sign­ele­men­te – Instruktionsstrategien – Herausforderungen, Colloquium pre­sentati­on at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of St. Gallen, CH

Feb 18, 2016: Student-centred learning environments in higher educ­ation class­rooms Presen­tation at the Institute of Educational Research and Devel­op­ment, Fac­ulty of Education, Charles University in Prague, CZ

Aug 10, 2015: Chair (Paper Session): Student skills development: Public speaking anxiety and critical thinking. Management Education and Development (MED) Division, 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Vancouver, CA

Jun 12, 2014: Wirksame studierendenzentrierte Lernumgebungen an Hoch­schu­len, Confe­rence presentation at the «ExpertInnenforum Hochschul­didaktik», Uni­ver­­sity of Applied Sci­en­ces Upper Austria. Wels, AT

May 29, 2013: Studierendenzentrierte Lernumgebungen an Hochschulen gestal­ten, Collo­quium presen­tation at the Institute of Education, University of Zurich, CH

May 04, 2013: Critical Exploration and the design of student-centered learning environ­ments. Paper presented at the Celebration of Eleanor Duckworth and Crit­ical Ex­plor­ation Conference, Graduate School of Education (0304 May), Harvard Uni­ver­sity, Cambridge, MA, US

May 05 , 2011: Lernkompetenzen an Hochschulen fördern, Confe­rence pre­sentation at the «Konferenz zur Qualität der Lehre: Was ist gute Lehre?» University of Applied Sciences, Kiel, DE

Jun 22, 2010: The design of exploratory learning environments, Work­shop pre­sentation at the Cognitive Science Department, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, FR

Editorial Board

From 2021: Deputy Representative of Lecturers, School of Social Sciences and Humanities (SHSS), University of St. Gallen 
From 2021: Member of the HSG Research Committee, University of St. Gallen (elected for two years)
From 2021: Member of the HSG Board of Complaint, University of St. Gallen (elected for two years)
From 2020: Co-President, Lecture Series of Senior Academics, together with Michelle Dreiding (, University of Zurich, Switzerland 
From 2020: Editorial Board Member of Orbis Scholae (
From 2019: Editorial Board Member of the Management Teaching Review (MTR) Journal (  
From 2019: Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Management Education (JME;
From 2019: Editorial Board Member of the European Journal of Higher Education (EJHE;
From 2017: Management Education and Development (MED, Division Chair Leader­ship Track and Executive Committee Member, professional appointment (elected), Academy of Management (AOM), USA (2017-2022)  
From 2017: Board member of conexus (online publications SeniorAcademics), University of Zurich, Switzerland (   
2017-2020: Committee Member, Lecture Series of Senior Academics (, University of Zurich, Switzerland 
From 2016: Editorial Review Board Member of the Journal for Human Resources Education (JHRE, From 2016: Technical Programme Committee of the International Conference on Soc­ial Science, Public Health and Education (SSPHE;­p­   
2015-2017: Membership Chair, Management Education and Development (MED), Academy of Management
2013-2015: Research Chair, Management Education and Development (MED), Academy of Management
From 2011: Research Consulting Editor and Reviewer for the Journal on Educa­tional Techno­logy Research & Develop­ment (ETR&D;, Association for Educa­tional Com­muni­cations and Technology (IF: 1.085)  

Additional Information

Currently: Elected member of the Academy of Management (AOM) Board of Governors, USA, Representative at Large,

Elected to the Management Education and Development (MED) Division Chair Leader­­ship Track, Academy of Management, US, 2017-2022; MED Chair 2020-2021

Reviewer activities:
Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM) 
Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE)
American Educational Research Journal (AERJ)
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)
die hochschullehre
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 
International Society of the Learning Sciences Conferences (ISLS)
Journal of Human Resource Education (JHRE)
Journal of Management Education (JME)
Journal on Educational Technology Research & Development (ETR&D), Research Consulting Editor
Management Teaching Review (MTR)
Orbis Scholae Journal
Oxford Research Enc­y­clopedia of Business and Management  

For a few pictures of my recent trips to different places within and outside the U.S. visit also or

Teaching qualifications

Lecturer of Higher Education Learning and Teaching at universities in Switzerland and abroad, e.g., TUM Munich, University of Bayreuth, University of Constance, University of Passau, University of St. Gallen, University of Zurich, ETH Zurich.

Topics: Using summative and formative assessment to promote learning, Hybrid, online and blended learning environments – strategies and tools for effective teaching, How to activate students in online and hybrid courses, How to Activate Students Cognitively: Designing effective student-centered learning environments, Course planning.
