Sabine Hoidn

Sabine Hoidn

Sabine Hoidn

PD Dr.

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Lehrbeauftragte

Büro 52-7128
Müller-Friedberg-Strasse 8
9000 St. Gallen

Student-Centered Learning Lab (SCL Lab)


Studierendenzentriertes Lernen, Lehren und Assessment


Organisationales Lernen



Privatdozentin am UZH - Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft - Mitarbeitende / Staff
Venia Legendi in Erziehungswissenschaft, insb. Hochschuldidaktik, Universität Zürich, Schweiz (2018)
Doktorat in Wirtschaftspädagogik (Wirtschaftswissenschaften), Universität St. Gallen, Schweiz (2010)
Lehramt an Beruflichen Schulen in Bayern (Zweites Staatsexamen/Referendariat), Deutschland
Diplom-Handelslehrerin Univ. (Erstes Staatsexamen), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Deutschland
Personalfachkauffrau und Ausbilderin, Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK), Passau, Deutschland


Aktives Lernen: Partizipieren in Lerngemeinschaften (Bachelor, HS) 
Forschendes Lernen: Bachelor-Arbeiten wissenschaftlich konzipieren und verfassen (Bachelor, FS)
Lernende Organisation und Organisationales Lernen (Bachelor, HS)
Lernfähigkeit und Gedächtnis (Bachelor, FS)
Student-centered education (Erasmus+, FS)
Studierendenzentrierte Managementausbildung (Bachelor, FS)
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Forschungsmethodik in den Sozialwissenschaften (Master, HS)

Dozentin für Hochschuldidaktik an Universitäten im In- und Ausland.


2022-2024 Expert Team Member & Scientific Adviser, Study on the impact and transformational potential of the European Universities Initiative, together with PPMI (Public Policy and Management Institute,, European Commission (DG EAC) 

2021-22 Editor-in-Chief, SAGE Business Core project, Leadership module, SAGE Publications Inc., Thousand Oaks, California, USA 

2021-22 Steering Group Member, External Quality Assurance of SCL: Reaching a common understanding, together with Unibasq, European Cons­ortium for Accreditation in Higher Education (ECA)

2021-22 Expert Panel Member, Road towards a European Degree: Identifying opportunities and investigating the impact and feasibility of different approaches, together with PPMI, European Commission (DG EAC)


Academy of Management (AOM)
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Associate Professor Union, University of Zurich (PDV)
German Association for Educational Management  
HSG Alumni Association
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)
Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA)
Swiss Faculty Development Network (SFDN) 
Swiss LSE Alumni Association
Swiss Red Cross (SRK St. Gallen)

Swiss Society for Research in Education (SSRE)
UZH Alumni


Outstanding Service as Past Chair 2021-2022, Management Education and Development (MED) Division, Academy of Management (AOM), USA (2022)
Outstanding Service as Division Chair 2020-2021 of the Management Education and Development (MED) Division, Academy of Manage­ment (AOM), USA (2021)
AOM-MED Division Global Forum Best Symposium Award for co-organizing the symposium: “The Future of Management Education: Changes, Challenges and Opportunities,” together with Mairead Brady and Martin Fellenz, Trinity College Dublin, IE (20219
Outstanding Service as Chair-elect 2019-2020, Management Education and Development (MED) Division, Academy of Management (AOM), USA (2020)
Outstanding Service as Program Chair 2018-2019, Management Education and Development (MED) Division, Academy of Management (AOM), USA (2019)
Exemplary Performance as a 2018 Reviewer, Journal of Management Education (JME), SAGE Journal, USA
Outstanding Service as Program Chair-elect 2017-2018, Management Education and Development (MED) Division, Academy of Management (AOM), USA (2018)
Outstanding Service as Membership Committee Chairperson of the Management Education and Development Division (MED) Award, Academy of Management (AOM), USA (2016) 
Outstanding Reviewer Award, Management Education and Development Division (MED), AOM, USA (2016) 
Outstanding Service to Management Education and Development Award as Division Re­search Coordinator, AOM, USA (2015) 
Outstanding Reviewer Award, Management Education and Development Division (MED), AOM (2015)
Staff Mobility for Training Fellowship (6 weeks), Swiss-European Mobility Pro­gram, Switzerland (2015) 
Outstanding Reviewer Award, Management Education and Development Division, AOM, USA (2012)
Marie Curie Fellowship for career development awarded by the European Commission, Brussels, The Netherlands (2009); Score: 95,3/100; 4,77/5
Publication grant awarded by the Dr.h.c. Emil Zaugg-Fonds, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland (2007)
One year research fellowship for prospective researchers awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Switzerland (2006)


Siehe Alexandria (unten)

Editorial Board

From 2021: Deputy Representative of Lecturers, School of Social Sciences and Humanities (SHSS), University of St. Gallen 
From 2021: Member of the HSG Research Committee, University of St. Gallen (elected for two years)
From 2021: Member of the HSG Board of Complaint, University of St. Gallen (elected for two years)
From 2020: President, Lecture Series of Senior Academics, together with Ulrike Zeuch (, University of Zurich, Switzerland 
From 2020: Editorial Board Member of Orbis Scholae (
From 2019: Editorial Board Member of the Management Teaching Review (MTR) Journal (  
From 2019: Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Management Education (JME;
From 2019: Editorial Board Member of the European Journal of Higher Education (EJHE;
From 2017: Management Education and Development (MED, Division Chair Leader­ship Track and Executive Committee Member, professional appointment (elected), Academy of Management (AOM), USA (2017-2022)  
From 2017: Board member of conexus (online publications of Senior Academics), University of Zurich, Switzerland (  
2017-2020: Committee Member, Lecture Series of Senior Academics (, University of Zurich, Switzerland 
From 2016: Editorial Review Board Member of the Journal for Human Resources Education (JHRE,
From 2016: Technical Programme Committee of the International Conference on Soc­ial Science, Public Health and Education (SSPHE;­p­  
2015-2017: Membership Chair, Management Education and Development (MED), Academy of Management
2013-2015: Research Chair, Management Education and Development (MED), Academy of Management
From 2011: Research Consulting Editor and Reviewer for the Journal on Educa­tional Techno­logy Research & Develop­ment (ETR&D;, Association for Educa­tional Com­muni­cations and Technology (IF: 1.085) 

Weitere Informationen

Currently: Elected member of the Academy of Management (AOM) Board of Governors, USA, Representative at Large,

Elected to the Management Education and Development (MED) Division Chair Leader­­ship Track, Academy of Management, US, 2017-2022; MED Chair 2020-2021

Reviewer activities:
Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM) 
Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE)
American Educational Research Journal (AERJ)
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)
die hochschullehre
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 
European Journal of Higher Education (EJHE)
International Society of the Learning Sciences Conferences (ISLS)
Journal of Human Resource Education (JHRE)
Journal of Management Education (JME)
Journal on Educational Technology Research & Development (ETR&D), Research Consulting Editor
Management Teaching Review (MTR)
Orbis Scholae Journal
Oxford Research Enc­y­clopedia of Business and Management  

For a few pictures of my recent trips to different places within and outside the U.S. visit also or
