Uncertainty Reduction
Economic sociology
Sociological theory
Qualitative research
2005 Venia Legendi (Habilitation), Stockholm University
2001 Ph.D., Stockholm University
2019 Professor of Sociology (Chair), University of St. Gallen
2012 Professor of Sociology (Chair), Uppsala University
2011 Professor of Sociology, Stockholm University
2010 Professor of Fashion Management (Chair), Swedish School of Textiles
2007 Senior Lecturer, Stockholm University
2005 Research Fellow MPIfG, Cologne
2003 Postdoctoral Fellow, London School of Economics
I regularly teach course on theory, economic sociology-especially markets and marketplaces- institutions and reduction of uncertainty
Each course is practically oriented to cater to the needs and interest of the partakers.
Being and Order (2005-2035)
Has previously been the PI of several projects, including an ERC grant.
President of Swedish Sociological Association (2010-2012)
Member (or past member) of the Editorial Board of: Sociologica, Socio Economic Review, Organization studies, International Journal of Fashion Studies
Visiting Scholar at
Collège de France
ZiF, Advanced Study Centre, University of Bielefeld
CSO, Science Po London College of Fashion, University of the Arts in London
Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul
Columbia University, Department of Sociology
University of Leipzig, Institute of Sociology
Harvard University, Department of Sociology